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OVCS COVID Safety Plan for 2021-2022

Dear OVCS Staff and Families, We hope you are enjoying a great summer break!. Here at OVCS, we are already looking forward to the 2021-2022 school year. During the Board of Governors meeting on July 18, 2021, the following COVID health and safety protocols were adopted for the coming school year. In short, it is our desire to return our school back to “pre-COVID normal” meaning no

face covering requirements, no social distancing, and allowing parents and visitors back into our school buildings. The following outlines details of the COVID Health and Safety Protocols for the 2021-2022 school year:

Face Coverings No Longer Required

· Face coverings will no longer be required for any student or staff member. However, masks may be worn by those who feel more comfortable doing so.

· Face coverings will not be required in any educational space or activity.

COVID Immunizations Not Mandatory

· COVID immunizations will not be required for staff or students.

Quarantines Discontinued

· Quarantines of healthy/non-symptomatic students and staff will be discontinued.

· Should a student or staff member test positive for COVID, or show symptoms commonly associated with COVID, they will be asked to isolate for 10 days (unless they provide documentation of being fully vaccinated).

· The person in isolation may return if they receive a negative COVID test after day 5 of isolation.

· Students displaying symptoms should be kept home until they have not been symptomatic for 24 continuous hours. ***This includes being fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications.

Physical Distancing No Longer Implemented

· Physical distancing will no longer be implemented.

Visitors in the OVCS Building

· In the 2021-2022 school year, visitors will be permitted in school as they were pre-COVID. Face coverings will not be required for visitors. However, they may wear one if they are more comfortable doing so.

Field Trips Resume

· Field trips will resume in 2021-2022.

Athletics and Activities Resume as Normal

· Athletics and activities will resume normal processes in 2021-2022.

Hand Hygiene

· OVCS will continue to encourage good hand hygiene, such as reminding students to wash hands after using the restroom, before meals, etc., and provide access to hand sanitizer stations.


· Touchpoints (i.e. doorknobs, light switches, etc.) will continue to be disinfected throughout the building on a daily basis.

· Teachers and staff will continue to have access to disinfectant supplies, including disinfecting spray, to clean high-touch areas and desks at the conclusion of each school day.


· The circulation and exchange of outdoor air utilizing the building’s VEN-MAR units will continue.

Filling Stations

  • Water fountains will continue to be fitted with filling attachments for water bottles only.

PLEASE NOTE: The safety of our students is a sacred trust we share with our parents. If we detect an outbreak of COVID, we may re-institute COVID safety protocols from the previous year for a period of time until the outbreak subsides. Additionally, as a non-public charter school, we are required to abide by mandates from the Ohio Department of Education. As we have learned from the previous two years, plans can change quickly. We will keep you updated on any changes to these guidelines.

Please join us in praying for a healthy, safe school year.

Grace to you,

Patrick O’Donnell

Chief Administrator

Ohio Valley Christian School

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