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Student Life

The student life experience  at Ohio ValleyChristian School exists to develop fully each student’s God-given spiritual, intellectual, and physical potential to influence the world for Jesus Christ. Beyond academics and athletics, OVCS provides many different ways for students to grow, thrive, and glorify God.


Ohio Valley Christian School provides chapel services for our students every Thursday. Chapel services are held for all students PreK – 12th grade every week, splitting meeting times up by grade levels (PreK through 2nd, 3rd through 6th, and 7th-12th meetings). While the format of each chapel varies, students generally are provided a time of worship in song, followed by teaching provided by local pastors, OVCS graduates, Christian college representatives, and other special guests!


Ohio Valley Christian School has an elected Student Council from 7th-12th grades  that develops leadership skills while planning activities for the entire student body. The Council consists of a Student Body President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and at least a representative from each grade level. Activities planned by the Student Council include Spirit Weeks, Homecoming, and a number of special events.


Students are eligible to apply to work on Yearbook Staff as an elective. This class works to create the yearbook for the entire school. They work tirelessly to capture the important moments for each grade. Students are also involved with many of the extracurricular activities to take the pictures and write memories.


Ohio Valley Christian School offers a number of experiential learning opportunities for all of our students throughout the year. Field trips to Carters Caves, the Air Force Museum, the River Boat Museum, and the West Virginia Capitol are just a few examples of destinations visited by our school. OVCS also brings in displays and exhibits from a variety of learning centers from across the region such as COSI, the Creation Museum, the Columbus and Cincinnati Zoos, and the Newport Aquarium.

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